My favorite technology gadget would be this laptop I'm on, I'm really old school and don't like to use much of technology but I'm working on it. I would say the laptop really helps to do a lot of research and I can get answers to many of my questions easily. Being able to access information just by a click of my finger and being able to take it almost anywhere is really awesome.
I usually like to work alone because sometimes it may take me some time to figure things out and I don't like holding anyone else back but I am a very committed team player, I work well with everyone and truly believe that hard work does pay off. I really don't mind working in a group setting at all, it does help me and make the learning process a little more easier and enjoyable.
Skills and traits, I would say that its probably my creativity. It feels weird saying stuffs about myself but if there is anything that I can bring to the table, it would be how creative I can be. I love to sketch and use my hands just to create things. If I can picture it in my mind, I can pretty much to my best bring that image in my mind to life. I'm really easy to get along with and will do my best in this course.