Saturday, October 27, 2012

Task_3-1 Reflection

What roles did the members of your team have this week?
Kortnee was our group leader for this week's Task and she did an AWESOME job in communicating with the entire group and keeping us informed on what the task is about and what type of information we needed to gather. The rest of the pandas (Rose, Sarah, Randy, and Landa) along with Kortnee, contributed by researching for information on Problem based learning and shared these information with our group leader to construct a paragraph on what the task required. 

Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to group?
I believe that I contributed equal amount of research information as our group on what Problem Based Learning is and the benefits of it.  Communicating ideas and information with our group leader in helping her to build a paragraph for our assignment this week. 

What worked well this week?
I thought our group leader Kortnee really did a wonderful job in setting up a where our group could meet and work together in creating this weeks task.  This worked really well for me because not only could we see the entire group's contributed work but we could chat at the same time.  It was really neat.
What will you do differently next time?
I don't think that I would do anything differently, everything worked out well. 

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